Treasure seekers, H. Barnes & Co have been hoarding some of the finest luxury rental properties in St Tropez – an authentic gem glittering on the Cote d’Azur. A long standing affinity and personal connection with this dazzling town has led to H. Barnes & Co establishing an exclusive local alliance with a like-minded property partner to source and secure the perfect holiday property for their clients in St Tropez.

Up until the beginning of the 20th Century, St Tropez was neither glitzy nor glamorous, but an authentic and typical French fishing village, located on the Cote d’Azur or ‘French Riviera’ in one of the loveliest coastal settings imaginable.
It was not until the 1950’s through the 60’s and 70’s that it began to attract a ‘rich rock and roll’ crowd, which today continues with many celebrities and millionaires owning second homes in the old town and surrounding villages and holidaying here through the summer. Famous names such as Brigitte Bardot, Mick Jagger and Gunter Sachs have helped to raise the town’s profile and create an ‘exclusive’ feel.
St Tropez today
As this ‘jet set’ crowd poured in, it created a demand for more stylish amenities and many entrepreneurs and business people spotted an opportunity to profit from the influx of money and spending power. This saw some of the most iconic beach restaurants, clubs and hotels becoming established – Club 55 beach restaurant (established in 1955) , Chateau de la Messardier , Les Caves du Roy nightclub . Aside from some of the best beach clubs and restaurants in St Tropez, the convenience of the town and the beaches only seven minutes from the town centre make it very unique compared with Ibiza or Mallorca and incredibly convenient as a relaxing destination.

Today St Tropez offers something for everything and is one of the most popular European holiday and second home destinations.
Josh Buckley at H. Barnes & Co has been going to St Tropez for many years and has close family ties with the place, highlights that, “Behind the glitz and the glamour which people think St Tropez is all about, the town has a very different persona. It is a place rich in history and French Provencal culture, that appeals to all the senses ranging from food and wine, architecture, sailing and of course luxury real estate.”